After taking a picture of my semi-hollow body guitar, I created the image within Seashore (a great open source image editor for Mac OS X), which has a very alluring pricetag ($free) for those of us who aren't talented enough to justify the cost of professional tools like Adobe's Creative Suite ($CHA-CHING$). I was also tipped off about Pixelmator (more like a $ch-:) by Matt, which I've been impressed with but haven't pulled the trigger on picking it up just yet.
Also, to round things out, I've added some albums that I'm currently listening to on the sidebar as well as a cool javascript element from LibraryThing below the albums. Plus, I threw in a random iSight picture of the fam, just because. Enjoy!
I've also just added a "Recent Videos" sidebar element which dynamically pulls from our Vimeo account. After interacting with Vimeo for the past few months, I can't recommend it enough. The interface is clean and simple, and the whole site is just plain intuitive, in my opinion. Now that our video camcorder speaks to iMovie '08 natively, my export-resolutions and file sizes are much improved, so watch for more video output from the Bams in coming months;-).
I just want to kiss those ethereal-looking, fuzzy, chubby cheeks.
I like the new header. It brings the funk.
If you're at all serious about pixelmator, check out givegoodfoodtoyourmac.com where there is a mac discount bundle going on right now...
Thanks for the recommendation, John! Wow, that's an attractive spread of ingredients they've got at that site...
Does anybody else want to lick that new header?
Adam, do I have permission?
Love the funky family pic!
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