Sunday, May 25, 2008

Green Building | Sustainable Architecture [Part 1]

How about a I kick this off with a little background on how I even came to be interested in these concepts...

When I was about half way through high school, I was thinking that I might want to go to college to study architecture. There's a lot about it that still really appeals to me today... but long story, short I didn't study architecture. I studied music and then global business... go figure. No regrets, though.

So, fast-forward (or rewind, depending on where you are in this boring story so far) to the end of 2005, and I'm sitting (as a real estate developer) at this fancy-schmancy economic forecast luncheon in Phoenix where there were three main speakers for the morning. The first two were your typical, run-of-the-mill high-octane economists from some big investment banks, which is the type of person that you expect to hear pontificate at these events. But the third guy was different... his name is Wellington Reiter. I felt sort of bad for him because when it came to his turn, droves of round men in business suits were already filing out of the ballroom, indirectly writing-off anything he was about to say as irrelevant to their future. But as soon as he launched into his presentation, I was locked-in (for the first time all morning). Reiter's talk simply offered a vision for what the future of urban planning & design COULD look like (specifically in Phoenix) both in commercial and residential applications. Concept sketches of high-density yet comfortable housing... urban landscapes that leverage design and solar power to energize the city and create natural oasis-like parks... mass transit networks that would actually integrate the sprawling suburbs. An entirely different [read: sustainable] direction, and I loved it. But nobody else seemed to get into it. The whole experience really got me thinking... but unfortunately it didn't get me thinking in a self-reflective way. That came later.

Now fast-forward to the end of 2006, and HEY, Tara's pregnant! Whoa, awesome! Whoa, scary. Just the reality of the pregnancy significantly changed the way I perceived the whole world. My priorities were instantly rearranged (and have been ever since;-) In that time, Tara started reading up on a lot of different aspects to being pregnant, many of which dealt with how healthy living makes for a healthy baby. And she would draw me into the things she was learning about... like harmful chemicals in foods & plastics, the ecological benefits of cloth diapering, indoor air-quality, etc. And it seemed like over the months spanning the birth of our daughter, we both started to get a glimpse of how truly interconnected the world is. We were beginning to see that a healthy life for us and for our children requires mindful actions and a healthy earth. You may also recall that we read Sleeth's Serve God Save the Planet, which despite its rather stark title had a strong impact on our worldview (see more of my thoughts here and here). And this was also about the time that, despite the political polarization of the global warming issue, the general consensus coming from experts around the globe was that the physical planet is, in fact, not in good shape, and that a lot of the research data points to humanity playing a significant role in the problems.

So, here we are halfway through 2008... I'm still involved with the family biz, these sustainable design concepts excite me more than ever, yet my path towards implementing them in the future is a bit uncertain. Towards the end of last year, I led a look at a potential business venture, which involved building a spec home in one of our developments. I set a target to build a LEED certified finished product in a native desert setting, and the process of walking through the details of the LEED requirements, researching different design aspects, and learning more about photovolatic solar energy was a blast! Unfortunately, we've tabled this venture at the moment while the market drains into a black hole;-)

So that's how I became interested in this stuff. And, this post has (as usual) gotten kind of long, so I'll hold it there for tonight...

  • I'll run down some of the key tenets and techniques of sustainable building that I've learned
  • I will take a closer look at how far pre-fab homes have come in recent years
  • I'll offer some resources (web, book, and local) for your own exploration if you're interested.
*Photo credit: LivingHomes

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Still Alive...

Beh. I know... long time, no post. There's just been "a few things" going on lately (primarily business shtuff). Should be getting a little more space shortly.

Thanks to everybody who voted or left a comment with a vote! That was a fun & intriguing experiment... I would not have guessed that the green building/sustainable architecture topic would have taken the cake, but I'm excited to kick things off with that one.  [Disclaimer: I'm sure I'll have something similar to this on the actual post, but don't get your hopes up too high!... I'm definitely no expert on the topic. Just someone who likes to think about it and learn something here and there.]


Earlier tonight, I conducted an audio interview with Florida artist/sculptor, Eric Higgs [cool dude].  More on all of that later, but I'll wrap this up with a thought that he brought up during our conversation.  We were talking about his creative process, and we were discussing some of the underlying energy inherent to minimalism.  He said something to this effect [I'm paraphrasing]: 

"I take my creation concept, and I just start eliminating things.  I take things away until I remove something that actually [adversely] affects the piece by its absence.  And through this process, you can hopefully progress something down to its purest, most potent form."

I like that.  It can apply to so much.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Help Me...

To: Any reader of this blog who is actually STILL reading after my very spotty posting over the past couple months...
From: The Sporadic Blogger Bam

I'm struggling a bit with the blog here. I'm not short on ideas for posts, but rather I have a hard time guiding myself on which idea I should focus on next. So, I figured I'd try out the "poll" element on the sidebar here and get a little reader-interaction going on.

The following are all post ideas that I will eventually cover [at some point]. I'd love it if you would go through them, decide on your top three selections (assuming you ACTUALLY CARE... heh), and then place your vote to the right. My plan is to then follow the winning topics in order of most popular to least.

Wow, this could really backfire on me if NOBODY votes... or if my wife is the only one that votes (Tara please vote)... so, back me up here, folks. (This is also a great [anonymous] participation opportunity for any of you "lurkers" out there... don't worry, I judge you not... I like to do my fair share of blog-lurking too... it should really have a better-sounding term because I don't think there's anything wrong with it... anyway)

In no particular order...

A - Backyard Vegetable Garden Update
Picking up where this post left off, we've actually got some wicked photosynthesis crankin' the backyard these days...

B - Iraq War Film Reviews/Reflections
I've been doing a lot of documentary-watching exclusively regarding the war over the past couple months, and I would love to try and distill some of my take-aways...

C - Creative Non-Violence Series
I know, I've been threatening with this series for a while. Wherever this ends up in the poll, I can't guarantee that I'll pound out the full series in consecutive posts...

D - Questions & Ideas About the Problem of Population
This is one that I've really been meaning to just get out there, but for whatever reason I just haven't pushed it across the line. The gist of the post will be to offer some perspective as to how our planet's population is sky-rocketing, what that means for Americans, and more specifically what that might mean for our own families [and family sizes]...

E - Wheaton College Professor Fired for Divorce
Thanks to Moses for giving me the heads-up on this one. I'm not really sure where I'm gonna go with this, but it definitely raises some timeless questions...

F - My Explorations in Green Building & Sustainable Architecture
I'm increasingly convinced that the way we build houses around here is broken. But there are a lot of fresh ideas out there... manufactured housing has come a LONG way, my friends... seriously!

G - Thoughts on Patriotism
How patriotic am I? How patriotic should we be? I wonder...

H - An Inside Look at Studio L
A few months ago, I finally pieced together a home recording studio... and then a week later, we found out that we were pregnant again (SURPRISE!!). Thus the studio will need to find a new home in the house shortly (oh the irony). But while I figure that out, I'd love to give you a look at the gear that makes this little studio hum, offer my two cents on how far technology
(and affordability) has come in audio recording, and maybe it will be helpful for somebody out there who is thinking about getting a recording set-up. PLUS, I'll give you a quick taste of some of Studio L's first creative output!

I - Neighborhood "Walkability"
This is one that I just came up with after reading Brenda's post. It's funny to think back to some of the different places I've lived in recent years and how drastically different the walkability has been...

Now go hit the polls!!